Michel Grootjans
Michel Grootjans has been programming since the age of 12. He has programmed strange machines like the TI 99-4A, the Atari 2600, Mac128, HP28, Apple II, Siemens PLC's, using languages like Basic, Pascal, C, HyperTalk, Assembler, ... along the way.
His professional experiences include building enterprise applications for retail, media, government, chemical plants, telecom, HR, insurance, ... in javascript, C#, java and, ruby.
He helps teams with continuous improvement, focusing on outcomes over output.
NewCrafts Paris 2024
Experiencing team flow
You will experience the effects of team flow in this non-technical workshop.
We will be running a few interactive simulations on team organisation and the effect this has on the total flow of work.
Topics we will certainly address:
- Why would we prefer T-shaped team members?
- How can swarming help?
- Why would you deliberately limit work in progress?
- Why is it that we have trouble estimating when work will be done?
Previous events
NewCrafts Paris 2023
Domain Modelling Coding Hands-on
Get ready to dive into the exciting world of domain modelling.
In this workshop, you'll have the opportunity to apply your existing coding skills and improve your domain modelling skills in a hands-on environment.
In this workshop, we provide you with the domain knowledge and scenarios you need to design a working model using your chosen programming language. We'll guide with questions and exercises, that are designed to challenge you and incrementally evolve your model.
This hands-on improves when done collaboratively. We'll encourage you to work in pairs or small groups and share your knowledge with the other participants.
We hope to see you soon!
- you need a laptop or pair with someone
- one person in the pair needs to be proficient with one of these programming language: typescript, java, python, c#,...