![Marit van Dijk](/assets/images/speakers/maritvandijk.jpg)
Marit van Dijk
With 20 years of software development experience in different roles and companies, Marit loves building awesome software with amazing people and making developers lives better. She enjoys learning new things as well as sharing knowledge on programming, software development, testing & test automation, and more. She has contributed to open-source projects like Cucumber and several other projects. Marit speaks at international conferences, in webinars, and on podcasts, writes blog posts and tutorials, and contributed to the book “97 Things Every Java Programmer Should Know” (O’Reilly Media).
Previous events
NewCrafts Paris 2024
Reading code
As developers, we spend a lot of time learning to write code, while spending little to no time learning to read code. Meanwhile, we often spend more time reading code than actually writing it. Shouldn’t we be spending at least the same amount of time and effort improving this skill? Deliberate practice can help us get better at reading code. Learning how to better read and understand code, can in turn teach us what makes code readable. This might even help us to write code that is easier to read.
In this talk we will discuss the benefits of deliberately practicing reading code in a code reading club or session without an IDE, as well as common strategies to navigate a new codebase and familiarise ourselves with the code using the IDE.
NewCrafts Paris 2019
Collaborating on Open Source Software; How I Started contributing to Open Source and Why You Should Too
There are several reasons you might want to contribute to open source software. For me, it was that I wanted to learn in a more useful way than doing programming challenges. So I looked into how I could contribute to open source projects that I use myself.
After contributing for almost two years, I notice that I have learned a lot from my contributions (which has been useful at work), as well as have made friends and have become part of a community.
In this talk I will share my experience with contributing to Cucumber, including an early mistake (merging something that wasn't ready yet) and fixing it with the support of core contributors, and still feeling welcome!
You'll learn how how to find your project and contributions to start with, how to connect with the community to make sure your contributions are useful and the many types of contributions you can make.
Contributing to open source is a way of paying back to the community. In addition, it is a way for you to learn, collaborate and become part of a community. Getting (constructive) feedback on a pull request and collaborating to make things even better is a great feeling!