Magali Milbergue
After a decade in social work, Magali decided to change course and became a web developper.
She tries to find a delicate balance between the technical aspects of the job (fun !), the creativity (fun too !) and trying to follow her ethics and change the culture of the industry (the less fun aspects of it anyway) by being an advocate and an activist.
In 2024 she co-founded and became the president of Compositech, an organization for women an non-binary people in tech that aims to better our industry. She also founded and became the president of La Première Ligne, a feminist magazine by women in tech.
Previous events
NewCrafts Paris 2024
Beginner, intermediary or expert, let's work on becoming better allies !
Hands-on with Marcy Ericka Charollois
Let's explore allyship and how to be a good ally whether we're a beginner, intermediary or expert and try to better our practices.
This workshop will find a balance between theory and real experiences by having a theoritical introduction, then an exchange of experiences, tools to evaluate our ally actions and of course resources to better our allyship.
While we would never ask anyone to share something they don't want to, this workshop only works if people are ready to talk about the subjects and to dive into their own experiences and struggles as allies. This is a space where we can share safely and where we all have to be both actors and listeners.
At the end of this workshop, the aim is to have a better understanding of what hardships we face as allies and how we can overcome them.
NewCrafts Paris 2023
The invisible elephant in the room
We've been talking about diversity and inclusion in our industry for some time now and most of us have at least a general idea of the issues at stake. But we sometimes forget about one of the aspects of diversity : disability. Not disability at a whole though, I'd say there has been quite an interest about accessibility and how to make our products better for our disabled users. But we almost never talk about disability in our industry.
Many of us tech workers have disabilities and/or chronic illnesses that impact our daily lives. Yet, most of the tech industry can't seem to see us. It's always "on friday we go running" or "we play soccer as a team" or "our team building week will make us do many physical stuff !"... And disabled people get left behind. And it's even worst when our disabilities are invisible, as our coworkers and managers have even more issues to empathize with what we are living (the little bits we actually share about it).
So today I'd like to take some of your time to talk about the invisible elephant in the room : disability and how so many of our work culture makes the environment toxic for disabled workers.