Lisi Hocke
Lisi found tech as her place to be in 2009 and grew as a specialized generalist ever since. She's passionate about the whole-team approach to holistic testing and quality and enjoys experimenting and learning continuously. Building great products which deliver value together with great people motivates her and lets her thrive. Having received a lot from communities, she's paying it forward by sharing her stories and learning in public. She posts on social media under her usual handle of "lisihocke" and blogs at www.lisihocke.com. In her free time, she plays indoor volleyball or delves into computer games and stories of all kinds.
Previous events
NewCrafts Paris 2024
Team Transformation Tactics for Holistic Testing and Quality
Have you ever observed quality problems with what your team is delivering? Have you ever felt your team is learning about the actual status quo late, too late to include these insights in your next steps? Have you ever wondered how to influence change when you’re “just” a specialist on the team, maybe even felt powerless?
I’ve mostly worked with people who never experienced effective collaboration across roles and specialties. How to get such a team to move toward testing throughout the delivery workflow from idea to production, on all kinds of levels, for all parts of the product, by the whole team? How to consider quality from the start and have it continuously inform our decision-making?
Over the years, I’ve built a repertoire of tactics to help teams transform toward holistic testing and quality. They range from meeting people where they are to creating guidelines, pairing and many others. It’s a toolbox of approaches to try out and find the sweet spot where people start moving toward better directions together. These tactics are fallible, not all of them work in all contexts, and yet they have helped my teams get to a better place.
Join this talk to get inspired to take things into your hands. Learn what you can try yourself in your context to help your team make the first steps on your journey towards holistic testing and quality.
Key learnings:
- Learn how you can influence team culture, no matter your role or experience level
- Add team transformation tactics to your toolbox of approaches to try
- Understand the many ways we can move towards holistic testing and quality