Jérémie Chassaing
Jérémie Chassaing is the founder of Hypnotizer, an interactive video solution and creator of BBCG. He is also the editor of PixVillage, a P2P photo sharing software. He joined Siriona in 2007 as an architect with former associates to enhance Availpro, a channel manager for independent hotels, to increase scalability and reliability to match its rapid growth. He is a member of the advisory board for Microsoft Patterns & Practices book about CQRS and Event Sourcing: "A CQRS Journey" and an active member of the F# community. You can also see his blog thinkbeforecoding, a blog dedicated to Domain Driven Design, CQRS and Event Sourcing.
Previous events
NewCrafts Paris 2024
DDD as Tech Feminism
Talk with Emmanuelle Danesi
Despite its apparent neutrality, digital space is full of biases - ethnocentrism, sexism, racism, ableism...
It would be a mistake to believe that these issues are out of scope of Domain Driven Design.
NewCrafts Paris 2019
Applicatives IRL
Monads are all the rage in FP land, but Applicatives, despite lack of love can help and save In Real Life situation. We'll learn to recognize them and use them, then with three examples will see how far Applicatives can be applied to your domain or technical code for the better.
NewCrafts Paris 2018
Ukulele tabs in F#
A Fun(ctional) music DSL - Domain Specific Languages - to compute Ukulele tabs from chords: Share the chords with Jérémie and he will show you where to place your fingers !
With IRL ukulele songs.
NewCrafts Paris 2017
Lambdas: the Architectural way to Serverless
The Serverless buzzword could be a fad, but Lambdas are bringing together solid architectural patterns you should know to build reliable systems.
Moving to the cloud or not, we'll discuss Hexagonal architecture, Functional Programming, Micro Services and Event Driven Architecture to see how they fit together, and how they really make sense past the craze.
NewCrafts Paris 2015
If you're not live coding, you're dead coding !
Programming live is a liberating act ! As an expression medium for music and communication or to react in real time to network attacks, live programming make you enjoy the quickest feedback loop you can expect: continuous delivery to the max.
We'll see how F# provides both velocity and safety to ride on the edge of programming.