Jean Laurent Morlhon
Software Engineer @ Docker working on docker desktop. I drink tests for breakfast, write java, coffee & go code.
Previous events
NewCrafts Paris 2017
Docker Deep Dive
Hands-on with Bruno Boucard
In this workshop, you will learn everything you need to know to get yourself up and running and comfortable with Docker.
Come as you are with your laptop, isn't necessary to have knowledge about Docker with Windows Containers or with docker on Linux. The aim is to discover with examples what's going on about containers and how to leverage it in your developer life.
NewCrafts Paris 2016
Docker on Windows, why didn't we have that from the beginning.
Installing docker on Windows is a simple matter, you still need to tame virtualbox, environment variables, %WinDir%/hosts and some certificates.
This was before docker for Mac and Windows, the docker desktop tools rewritten from scratch. Jump with us into the heart of this tools to catch why it is so complicated to provide a simple experience. Xhyve, Hyper-V, Fuse fs, LLMNR, mdns, Moby... The objective is simple, no matter what `docker runs and it works.
For Windows this experience is proudly serve by f#, c# and go.