Gien Verschatse

Green Island

Gien  Verschatse

Gien Verschatse


Gien is a software developer with 9 years of experience, mainly in a .NET environment, who likes to start her day with coffee. She is a strong believer of continuously learning by deliberate practice and knowledge sharing, which is why she takes part in the organization of two Belgian communities. She is a member of the F# Foundation Board, where she is responsible for running the Mentorship Program and she helps out with the SoCraTes BE unconference and Open FSharp. When she is not busy with all of the above, you will find her on the sofa, reading a book (yes, with coffee).





Diversity Charter

Code of Conduct

Our goal is to create a safe and welcoming environment for all participants. We use the Aardling Code of Conduct. All participants including staff, sponsors, and speakers, must adhere to this.

Read the Aardling Code of Conduct.