Emmanuel Gaillot

Code and therapy practitioner

Emmanuel Gaillot

Emmanuel Gaillot


Emmanuel works as a team coach, (extreme) programmer, therapist,
facilitator, trainer and systems jiggler. For the past 20 years he has
been helping software makers to be better at, prouder of, and happier
about the work they produce. A regular speaker at many conferences,
Emmanuel is one of the founders of the Agile Open France conference[1]
and the Coding Dojo in Paris[2]. He has started Changer / Grandir[3] to
promote Virginia Satir's work to French-speaking audiences, and he is
one of Omnicité[4] workers owners. He currently focuses his energy and
passion on experimenting with accelerated learning processes, shaping
self-organizing structures and co-learning spaces – one of them being a
farm in Massif Central he and others are restoring[5].

[1] https://agileopenfrance.com/
[2] https://www.meetup.com/Dojo-developpement-Paris/
[3] https://changer-grandir.org/
[4] https://omnicite.fr/
[5] https://mc-mallaret.fr/





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