Sandro Mancuso
Sandro Mancuso is a software craftsman, author of Software Craftsmanship: Professionalism Pragmatism Pride, and co-founder of the London Software Craftsmanship Community (LSCC)
Previous events
NewCrafts Paris 2018
A Case for Outside-In Design
For a few decades, one of the most common approaches to software design is to first focus on the domain model (application layer), then persistence (data layer) and finally the user interface (presentation layer). But what are the pros and cons of this approach? Are there other alternatives? Are they viable?
In this presentation, Sandro will be talking about different design biases and the impact they have. He will then focus on Outside-In Design, explaining how our domain model can emerge and evolve when driven by the needs of external systems or users, avoiding speculation and wasted effort.
NewCrafts Paris 2016
The Long Road
Lightning Talk
Choosing the next career step in such a diverse and fast-paced industry is not an easy task. But when it comes to our careers, there is no right or wrong. Or there is? How do we know?
In this talk we will be talking about different career choices, how can we choose good companies to work for, what we can learn from interviews and selection processes, when should we look for a new job, and how to change our working environment.